To ensure the safety of participants who take part in our events we follow the below procedures regarding gaining permission to use photo & videos from our events;
– When booking to attend an event via the SSP website it will be outlined that photos & videos will be taken at the event and a link provided to this Photo & Video Consent Policy.
– It will be made clear that it is the responsibility of the school taking part to gain written consent from parents/guardians of all participating pupils for photos & videos to be taken by SSP (coordinated by City Academy Norwich) staff or other appointed event photographers/videographers and used to promote the event and publicise the services of the SSP via its website, social media profiles and other marketing materials.
– During the briefing before the start of all SSP events, schools will be reminded that photos & videos will be taken during the event. Staff will be informed that if they do not have permission for any pupils from their school to have photos & videos taken that they should collect a luminous yellow snap band from a member of SSP staff before the event starts and to ensure that the child is wearing it on their wrist throughout the event.
– PLEASE NOTE – For SSP Dance Shows all participating pupils must have photo/video consent as it is not possible to not include them in photos or videos of the show.
– During the briefing school staff, helpers and spectators who plan to take photos/videos during the event will be asked to register their details in the SSP Photo Registration folder. They will be made aware that pupils with a yellow snapband should not have any photos or videos of them taken.
– Following the event, the SSP event photographer will check all photos and videos taken of the event and any photos or videos including a pupil with a yellow snapband will be deleted.